Our Blog
How to Find a Decent Prospect to Buy Your Clinic- Part One
We speak to a lot of doctors who have been trying to sell their clinic for months- sometimes years- and some have never had a single interested prospective buyer. Many
Three Reasons a Dedicated Web Page is Critical to Selling Your Clinic
When doctors call us to learn more about selling their clinics, they are often surprised that we create an entire web page dedicated to just their clinic; After all, this
What is Your Clinic Really Worth?
Are you unwittingly killing your chances of selling your practice? I bet you are a really good doctor. I have no way of knowing this of course, but all day
Secret Weapons for Buying + Selling a Chiropractic Clinic Revealed!
Whew! I don’t know about you, but the intensity of jumping back into the real world in January always takes my breath away a little bit. After the (relative) peace
We are so excited to be featured in Kevin Christie’s new book published through Parker University—Doing it Right: Modern Chiropractic...
We recently sat down with Lifestyle Practice Builders, an expert chiropractic team from Kansas City that produces resources to start,...
We recently sat down with ChiroCandy, an innovative podcast focused on strategies that successful DCs are using to maximize their...